Saturday, January 28, 2006

There's This Couple I Know

Brian and I went to dinner at some friends' house last night. This couple is someone my husband has known for years, and I only met upon arrival in Colorado.

Brian had lost touch with Doug -- who always managed to find Brian again, usually by seeing Brian's "Clean Machine" (his van, which was anything but "clean").

One time, after having lost contact for a few years, Doug stopped by the house one night in the pouring rain, and that's when we found out they are practically neighbors of ours -- just living about a dozen blocks away.

We got together several months ago for Sunday brunch at our house, and I got to meet his wife Susan. Susan and I hit it off so well, it was one of those times when I came away from having company positively energized.

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we kept missing each other to get together again, and we both had trips to Europe in the past year.

Last night, Brian and I went to their house for dinner, and it was another one of those amazing conversations. We talked a lot about our trips and shared experiences, and they enjoyed looking at a few of our pictures from our trip that we brought.

Like us, they've been dealing with some infertility issues, and have recently gone through some treatments for it. As we sat around the dinner table laughing and hooting over everything from sperm counts to the death of a regular sex life while trying to conceive, I just said "you know, it's a short list of friends of ours who can sit and talk and laugh about this kind of thing!"

They all laughed in agreement.

They are a fabulous couple, and again we came away from our evening together just happy to have had the time with them. After everything they've been through, including losing a daughter at almost full-term, they had become much more secluded, and they said this was really their first time to do something social in a long time.

It was so neat that they chose to spend that time with us. I know how hard it is to go out and feel normal again after a loss.

We are so blessed to have friends like them.

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