Thursday, August 02, 2007

Not Looking For World Peace

We went to the doctor today and found out Kick is doing fine. She kicked back at the doctor as she pressed the doppler to my belly to get a heartbeat reading.

She's also measuring ahead -- 29 weeks -- and I'm actually 27 weeks 5 days today, or thereabouts, so that's good.

We found a doctor near my brother's farm, who has a lot less charisma than my OB/GYN in Eugene, but we don't know if we'll be in Eugene by the time the baby is born or not.

Plus, this isn't a beauty pageant. Of course, I didn't ask any questions that could end in "World Peace", so I'm not even totally sure who the winner would have been. It's about who gets the baby out safely, and personality doesn't have anything to do with that.

To my new OB/GYN's credit, she and her nurse both said the exact right things when I briefly described Jacob's story. That's really all we needed.

And most importantly our baby is ok, still kicking, still taking up more space in me every day.

And that's a great thing.


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