Sunday, January 11, 2009

Is it a Fort? A Tent? Who Cares! It's Fun!

Nora's obsession with blankets being toys instead of well, blankets, went another level today.

I put a quilt over the card table today, and Nora (and the cat) moved right in.

She brought her books with her, and I crawled on in there with her as best I could, and read books with her over and over and over.
One of them is a book about sign language, and as you can see in the second picture, Nora's getting it! She's practicing "hat" which is patting your hand on the back of your head.

Another favorite is a book called "Hugs and Kisses" and we got it from the library this week.

The cutest thing? Nora's figured out that hugs and kisses are kisses and hugs. So if you ask her for a hug you get a kiss, and if you ask for a kiss you might get a hug.

This picture was from when Brian got home and got into her fort and they started reading the hugs and kisses book, and I said "Nora, give Daddy a hug," and she turned right for him and laid a big kiss right on his cheek.

Daddy's first kiss from Nora.

I think that's about the most beautiful thing in the world, watching your kid give the love back that they've been given all this time, don't you?

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