Thursday, April 14, 2005

One Small Step for Juliekind...

I've been doing Weight Watchers for almost 3 months now. In that time I've dropped 23 lbs.

Today I checked a Body Mass Index calculator today, and my BMI has dropped from 28.8 (overweight) to 25.4 -- that's within .4 of "normal/healthy".

I'm a big believer, for obvious reasons, in the WeightWatcher's philosophy. First, I'm not doing any damage by eating no carbs and all fat, or vice versa. As it turns out, fat and carbs work together to store energy (fat) in your body, so if you just eat one or the other, you're bound to lose weight, at least in the short term.

WW makes sure you eat a balanced that allows me to have a cookie or other dessert, but encourages me to eat more veggies and other "low" or "no points" foods. You also get extra points if you exercise each day.

I have always identified with Oprah -- who has struggled with her weight much more than me -- but said that she hates exercise, but does it anyway.

As I've seen the results of my work show up in my ever-loosening clothes and increased energy, I am inspired to continue. Plus, I figure, with no current job, I have NO excuse not to eat right and exercise!

By the time I go to Paris this fall, I want to be down to my goal weight, and need to buy a whole new wardrobe!


Sheri said...

Yeah Jules! 23lbs is an awesome loss~ I am VERY proud of you. I also have to tell you that your philosophy towards weight loss is spot on...eating a balanced, healthy diet with exercise is optimum.

Keep up the great work!

Tammy said...

Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!! THat is a major milestone. Keep up the good work. ANd you are right, balance is better. And ah, Paris for a svelte girl, well, it doesn't get any better than that!!!!


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