Friday, May 02, 2008

Just When You Start Wondering

I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said "Where are we going, and what handbasket is this that we're in?"

I don't know about you, but there are days with the news as depressing as it is, that I want to start hoarding nonperishable food, get some sandbags around my house to either stop the water or the National Guard or looters from coming in my house.

Yes, I know that's extreme.

But I also know I'm not alone in thinking this way.

Then, a bright spot.

Well two actually.

One started yesterday in the ride on the way home from the zoo. I backed the car out of the parking spot, and as I passed a car, I saw a bumper sticker that said "WAG MORE. bark less", and all I thought was "I wish we all did that more often."

And as we were driving home, we saw a large Jeep with two youngish men (in their 30s) drove by us, and one of them was waving a stuffed frog in the window, just above the window line so it looked like the frog was on its own waving to us in the window.

I cracked up. They cracked up. They moved along, and I could see they kept doing it down I-5 that these guys were just having fun trying to lighten things up on the freeway for everyone.

Way to wag, I say.

Then I read this story this morning, and I was amazed.

A college girl for Western Oregon University with a worse batting average than me, hits her first home run in the playoffs in Ellensburg, Washington. She misses first base, but as she goes there to hit it, she injures her knee.

She can't let someone else from her team, or from the crowd help her.

So what happens?

Read this story. You'll be shocked at the answer, but it will warm your heart.

TGIF everyone. It's pizza night!

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