Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Clink! To The Single Moms Out There...This One's For You:

Fourth post today.

Yes, I have the time. It's 9, Nora is down. I barely did anything today.

Let's review:

I hung my blinds with the new drill.

I hung my water barometer (also with the new drill)

I cleaned the bathroom (all of it -- sink, tub, toilet, floor).

I mopped the kitchen floor

I cooked 3 nearly square meals (Ok, more like triangles) for myself today

I cleaned the kitchen up

All the animals are fed, alive, and have had at least one petting today.

And somewhere in there, my daughter was fed, changed, and entertained.

And I did this all alone, and now she's down for the night.

With a glass of wine in my hand, I called my husband who's staying overnight in Southern Oregon and officially proclaimed that I have absolutely NO interest in being a single Mom. EVER.

I also let him know that I will not nag, snap, or otherwise harass him for one week.

So a "Clink" of wine glasses to you single Mothers out there.

I'm exhausted after three days of being alone -- going on to a fourth. I can only imagine how lonely a task it must be to do what I did -- plus possibly even working out of the house day in, day out, week in, week out.

Wow. I do not know how you do it.

Cheers to you.

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