Sunday, December 02, 2007

Our Tree Is So Tall...(HOW TALL IS IT?)

It's so tall that my not-very shrimpy mother (who's 5'6'', holding the baby there on the left), looks shrimpy.

Seriously though. My brother and his wife Judy have a barn that's been finished, with this loft space up to the master bedroom where we are staying. We can see the top of the tree through the loft window.

I estimate it to be around about 20 feet tall.

But then I never was very good at estimating distance.

It's so tall that my niece Miriam, holding my baby girl with her "first Christmas" ornament (thank you Wendi!) put the ornament on the tree, and now we're not really sure where it is.

We plan to find it when the tree comes down.

It's so tall that my blind-as-a-bat nearly-newborn daughter (11 weeks today!) can see it!

1 comment:

MeesheMama said...

That's So HUGE! I'm really laughing! I'm sure you will appreciate the wonderful pine-y smell that will be sure to invade your senses throughout the whole house. Enjoy!


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