Sunday, November 18, 2007

My Girl is 2 Months Old - Can You Believe It? I Can't!

I took this picture of her today in a 3 month size outfit and it's almost too small for her. G -- She LOVES the fuzzy green blanket you sent her! She spent "tummy time" on it and kept grabbing the blanket in her fists.

My girl spends more and more time awake, alert, and looking at people and things. She sleeps 4 hours in a row at night and then a few more after a feed and a change.

My Aunt Kathy and the in-laws were here this weekend for my niece's play and we went together last night. Nora amazed them both with her growth and alertness...

After our photo shoot from the other day, Mom, Aunt Kathy and I took Nora to a fish place near the mall, and she was just turning heads all over the restaurant in her little Santa outfit. No one could believe she was a preemie, and of course my Mom the proud grandma was bragging all over the place about how tiny she was and how great she's doing!

We have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday for her 2-month checkup and shots. I can't wait to find out how much bigger and taller she is!

This one I took of her in her diaper the other day. Sorry it's not very focused but you can see how beefy, alert and happy she is!

Sometimes I am amazed at how big she's gotten. Then I pick her up and she still feels so small - she can't be much more than 12 pounds yet. But compared to the 4 lbs. 15 oz. she was on the day she was born, she's huge!

This one is of my Mom with Nora from our Sears Portrait shoot on Friday. It makes me get all misty to see this picture.

There is nothing quite like seeing your Mom be so thrilled to be a new Grandma all over again.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

She is doing so well! Praise God!! That last photo is beautiful!


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